
Order your customized paintings

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We can customize your Poetry & Painting canvas from scratch or we can paint your pet/animal using a photo as a reference! 

Poetry and Painting is an individualized project inspired by the fine arts to produce an artwork through the combination of handwritten ink and acrylic paint on a pre-treated fiber canvas. A durable, glossy varnish is applied by hand to the finished product. Patrons have the option to have a unique customized poem made for them or request their own words or personal message be hand-written on the canvas. Patrons also choose their favourite colour and flowers to be part of the artwork.  


Donate to fund Poetry and Painting!

The hardest part of being an artist is not the frenzied moments of inspiration or the drawn-out moments of perfectionism. It is in monetizing and purchasing more product. Feel free to leave a tip as we continue on our journey heal and uplift our community through art while building up a college fund for me to pursue the arts professionally.

Poetry and Painting Apparel and Merch!

The PoetryandPainting.com 2023 Calendar is the position of wonder and experience. The rich history of acrylic paint and the acumen of a wordsmith helps make each month of the year standout . 

In Partnership with LLNW